Tuesday, June 29, 2010

An Urban Hippie Garden

Living in the city does not mean you can't have a garden even if you don't have a yard.  Getting pots and hanging baskets work well if you have a patio or a baloney.  Even those topsy turvies seem to work from just seeing them hanging off of people's porches.
We have decent sized yard for living in the city.  We have room for a small garden.
Here are a few pictures of what I have growing so far.


Beefsteak tomatoes
beefsteak tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes
cherry tomatoes
Cucumbers and lettuce (which look to be over taken)
Watermelon seedlings

I have red and hot peppers, stavia, lavender, lemon thyme, borage, and strawberries, too.  Pepper plants are slowing getting bigger and well the strawberries are only junebearing and pretty much done now.  You can grow peppers, herbs and strawberries in pots and hanging baskets if you have limited space.

I am no expert on gardening.  This was my first year ever setting mine up.  There are few things I would definitely do different.  I think I will do raise beds next year as weeding is a pain in the ass.  Not plant as much zucchini and cucumbers because well they get HUGE.  Also I think I will get a little green house set up to start my seedlings inside. 
A few things I wouldn't change: use compost and lots of it.  Get premium organic soil.  Yes, I think it makes a difference and organic fertilizers.  Use biodegradable seedling trays so your plants don't go into shock when you transplant them into the garden.

There are some veggies I want to try once it is mid-summer.  You can start cold crops inside and transplant into the garden late summer with plenty of time before the first frost.   I am going to do lettuce again, spinach and cabbage.  

The only thing I have ate from my garden is strawberries so far.  They were sweet and delicious.  Not very big, but I am told that next year they will do even better.  So I hope that is true!  I really can't wait to pick my first veggie!  It will be such a sweet reward for all the hard work going into it.

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